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Celsa Practice Test Pdf

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CELSA (Combined English Language Skills Assessment) is a 45-minute multiple choice test designed to measure context and grammatical understanding of the English language for students speaking English as a second language. Questions about ESL placement should be directed to a college ESL Advisor. See PDF download upper right. CELSA Practice.

CELSA FrequentlyAsked Questions:Description of testCELSA consists of two different forms with passages from beginning,intermediate and advancedlevels. The forms are equivalent and designed to measure understandingof meaning in acontext, as well as grammatical ability. CELSA was developed for thepurpose of placing adultstudents of English as a Second Language (ESL) into different languageability levels inESL courses.The forms utilize a 75 question, four-choice multiple choice cloze format.Students do nowriting. The distractors (wrong choices) reflect mistakes made frequentlyby adult secondlanguage learners at each ability level. Each passage involves commonsituations experiencedby students and encountered in most teaching materials.CELSA will place students into seven levels of proficiency from lowbeginning to advancedplus.

Cronbach Coefficient Alpha reliabilities for CELSA 1 and CELSA2 are high:.95.95and the forms correlate.90. Suggested cut-off scores for a seven levelprogram are 1-20,21-30, 31-39, 40-48, 49-57, 58-66, 67-75. The CELSA User’s Guide providesdescriptionsof the seven levels. ESL programs modify the cut-off scores to fit theircurriculum andnumber of levels offered.Intended AudienceCELSA can be used to test students in open enrollment adult education,community college,university, and high school English as a second language or foreignlanguage programs.CELSA measures language skills, primarily reading and grammar in a context.CELSA is nota life skills discrete point test measuring students abilities to reada thermometer, a pricetag, etc.CELSA places students into multiple skill, grammar (structure), andreading ESLclasses.

Many colleges have also reported a high correlation betweenthe CELSA score andholistically scored essays, allowing for CELSA scores to also placestudents into ESL writing courses.CELSA is not suitable for pre-literate students.Frequently asked questionsWho can take the test?Adults and high school students in programs using ESL/EFL materials.How long is it?Instructions: 15 minutes; test: 45 minutes; scoring: seconds.What materials are needed?Test booklets, answer sheets, pencils, timer, answer keys. Dictionariesare not allowed.When to test again?After 2 1/2 months for the same form. Otherwise, use alternate forms.Is form 1 easier?No, form 1 and form 2 are different, but equal.Are the tests reliable and valid?Yes. In addition, the tests have been researched and shown to be freefrom language,culture, gender and age bias.Can we go over the answers with the students?No. Standardized tests are not teaching tools.

The validity and reliabilityof the testswill be destroyed. Also, do not return corrected answer sheets to students.Can we change or adapt the test passages or items?No, these tests have taken years to develop.

It is not legal, to changethe test items.What kind of computer options are available?There are a few computer options available. You can scan and score paper/penciltests orrun the CELSA on PC computers (Window's program). You can even integratebothtypes of test results into common student databases that you can createand use to producecustomizable reports for a complete assessment and placement system.please feel free to contact us at ACTTPhone (805) 965-5704 FAX (805) 97 Coast Village Rd. Suite 1 #378Montecito, CA 93108.

. Assesses and places high school, college and adult ESL students quickly and accuratelyinto beginning to advanced classes.

Approved by the U.S. Department of Education as an (ATB) test. Approved by the California Community Colleges. Approved by the CA as an ATB test. Approved by the NY Board of Education as an ATB test.

45 minute, 75 item multiple choice. 4 equivalent forms (only form 1 and 2 approved for ATB).

Natural, authentic language. Cloze type format.

Nero 7 utorrent mac. It supports music, video, pictures, and data burning and copying. You can also define the file system, the file name’s length, and character set, and change the label. Besides, It provides extensive and customized control of your burning tasks.

Researched for reliability (.93), validity, freedom from bias. (network) and 'paper/pencil' options. Used in hundreds of schools and colleges. Complementary listening, speaking and writing tests also available.