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Odp Adalah

воскресенье 05 апреля admin 86

'Yang paling membedakan antara ODP dan PDP adalah kontak fisik dengan penderita corona atau yang bersangkutan memiliki 'history' perjalanan ke sejumlah negara terjangkit corona,' katanya. ODP dikriteriakan sesuai gejalanya, seperti demam, batuk, sesak. Agar tidak bingung, berikut ini perbedaan antara ODP, PDP, dan suspect virus corona. ODP ODP adalah singkatan dari orang dalam pemantauan. Seseorang dikatakan masuk dalam kategori ODP apabila ia sempat bepergian ke negara lain yang merupakan.

This article needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: – ( October 2010) A Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled (TEFC) electric motor is a type of industrial with an enclosure that does not permit outside air to freely circulate through the interior of the motor. An external blows outside over the frame of the motor to cool it.

This motor is arguably the most commonly used motor in ordinary industrial environments. TEFC enclosed motors usually cost more than open motors, but offer increased protection against weather, dirt, and moisture.TEFC motors are constructed with a small fan on the rear shaft of the motor, covered by a housing. This fan forces air over the motor frame fins, and cools the motor. The enclosure is 'Totally Enclosed'.

This means that the motor is dust tight, and has a moderate water seal as well. TEFC motors are not secure against high pressure water nor submersible.

The ozone depletion potential ( ODP) of a is the relative amount of degradation to the it can cause, with (R-11 or CFC-11) being fixed at an ODP of 1.0. (R-22), for example, has an ODP of 0.05.

CFC 11, or R-11 has the maximum potential amongst chlorocarbons because of the presence of three chlorine atoms in the molecule.The first proposal of ODP came from Wuebbles in 1983. It was defined as a measure of destructive effects of a substance compared to a reference substance.Precisely, ODP of a given substance is defined as the ratio of global loss of ozone due to the given substance to the global loss of ozone due to CFC-11 of the same mass.ODP can be estimated from the molecular structure of a given substance. Aurora borealis draughts crack. Have ODPs roughly equal to 1.

Brominated substances have usually higher ODPs in range 5–15, because of more aggressive bromine reaction with ozone. Have ODPs mostly in range 0.005 - 0.2 due to the presence of the hydrogen which causes them to react readily in the, therefore reducing their chance to reach the where the ozone layer is present. Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) have no chlorine content, so their ODP is essentially zero.ODP is often used in conjunction with a compound's (GWP) as a measure of how environmentally detrimental it can be.

GWP represents the potential of a substance to contribute to. In a broad sense, haloalkanes that contain no hydrogen are stable in the troposphere and decompose only in the stratosphere. Those compounds that contain hydrogen also react with OH radicals and can therefore be decomposed in the troposphere, as well.


The ozone depletion potential increases with the heavier halogens since the C- X bond strength is lower. Note the trend of the CClF 2-X series in the table below.Ozone depleting potential of common compounds.

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